Thursday, June 23, 2005


the am ha`aretz was not muchzak to grind there that day, and you should suspect?

And here {by the sealed city} I say, the illegitimately born person did not descend except to fill water on that day, and you should suspect?

But Rabbi Ila, Rabbi Yannai says: within Tzippori he had intercourse?
But Rabbi Bo cited Rabbi Yannai: If they saw him separate from Tzippori and have intercourse, there is a chazaka that someone of illigitimate birth from there had intercourse?

And where it is found {Rabbi Yannai holds} we go after the majority.

With difficulty, the Sages compared it to sheratzim.
For they learnt {tnei}: Nine {dead} frogs {which do not convey ritual impurity}, and among them one sheretz, in a private domain, and he touched one of them and does not know which of them he touched, the doubt is impure.
If it separated to the public domain and he touched, the doubt is pure.
If it {the doubt} returned to the private domain and he touched, the doubt is impure.
And where it is found, he goes after the majority.

Rav Chisda said {=asked}: And all these men of valor did not find their hands?
Rabbi Ami said: Blessed be He who chose them and their words.
{Returning to Rav Chisda - }
Before you compare it to a private domain, compare it to a public domain!

For we learn {tnei}: Nine sheratzim, and one frog amongst them, in the public domain, and he touched one of them and does not know which of them he touched, the doubt is pure.
If it separated to the private domain and he touched it, his doubt is impure.
If it returned to the public domain and he touched it, his doubt it pure.
And where it is found, he goes after the majority.
Rav Chisda said: The men of valor did not find their hands!
Rabbi Imi said: Blessed be He who chose them and their words.

{And the reason we do not go leniently is}
The market of Tzippori is not a public domain.

Rabbi Yossi said: since both of them are able to be alone together, it is like a private domain.

There was a case with a girl that they found cast to the refuse area. The case came before Rabbi Yishmael bei Rabbi Yossi, and he said: she is combined to the "dough."
Rabbi Yirmiya thought to say: kosher "dough."
Rabbi Yishmael bei Rabbi Yossi argues with his father.

Rabbi Yossi said: Even if you say to pasul dough, Rabbi Yishmael bei Rabbi Yossi does not argue with his father.
"Kosher" people will engage in improper sexual relations, while "pesulim" cast.


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